Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1769.07.20

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Index Entry Douglas [t], performed in Edinburgh 
Location Edinburgh 
17-20 Jul 1769:2231 [=233] (111)
Extract of a letter from Edinburgh, dated March 6.  On
Thursday evening we received by an express the agreeable
accounts of the sentence of the session in the Douglas case
having been reversed by the house of Lords. . . [1 column
describing celebrations, illuminations, mischief.]  Both
nights too the Tragedy of Douglas was performed at the
theatre; and vast acclamations were raised upon hearing of
some particular passages in it suitable to the occasion.

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1769.07.20 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0001696
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