Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1769.05.22

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Index Entry Actor, woman, in London, nobleman had passion for 
Location London 
18-22 May 1769:1621,1622 (94)
Histories of the Tetes a Tetes.  Dorimont and Maria, the D--
e of G---r and the O--s of W--e, Court Mysteries revealed.
. . . [Narrative of amours of natural daughter of a Duke, 1
Sir J--- L--- was, for a considerable time, one of Maria's
professed admirers; and it is asserted, with some appearance
of reason, that their marriage was nearly concluded upon,
when a capricious passion for a certain actress, who is said
to be invulnerable to the shafts of love or the power of
gold, so far diverted this thoughts that he never after
visited Maria as a suitor.  What proposals he made to Miss
M---, and the reasons for rejecting them, may from hence
easily be adduced. . .

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1769.05.22 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0001679
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