Citation - Boston Chronicle: 1768.08.29

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Index Entry Books, for sale by Mein, John, religious music, plays, 
Location Boston 
22-29 Aug 1768:3402 (1/37)
London Book-Store  North-side of King-Street, Boston.  John
Mein, hath just imported, a very large assortment of all the
new novels and books of entertainment. . . [20 lines]
Clandestine Marriage by the celebrated Messrs. Garrick and
Colman. esteemed the best comedy in the English language. .
. [8 lines]
Tate and Brady's Psalms with the Hymns, and with or without
tunes.  A new edition, printed on a large letter, and will
be sold very cheap by the dozen.
A smaller edition of the same Psalms, with Hymns. . .
[At bottom of column] Also, the following pretty little
entertaining and instructive books for children. . . [6
lines] Also Tommy Trip's Select Fables, and an excellent
Pastoral Hymns, adorned with proper plates, price two
coppers. . .

Generic Title Boston Chronicle 
Date 1768.08.29 
Publisher Mein and Fleeming 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0001619
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