Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1741.07.02

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in London, in procession, tubs as, in mockery of Freemasons 
Location London 
25 Jun-2 Jul 1741:21 (1122)
London, March 20.  Yesterday about an hour before the Free
Masons procession began, a sham cavalcade came from Brick
Street Hyde-Park Corner, down St. James's Street, to Charing
Cross.  First rode on asses two men, with ox horns, which
they sounded; then a man on an ass, with two tubs, bottom
upward, to represent kettle drums; then two persons on
asses, with salt boxes; a man with a trunchen in his hand,
like wise on an ass; two sand-carts, drawn by six asses
each, and three persons in each, with the ensigns of the
Free Masons; and the procession was closed by an old
mourning coach and six horses, all of different colours, and
two persons rode in it, to represent the Grand Masters.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1741.07.02 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1741 
Bibliography B0001327
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