Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1739.01.11

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Index Entry Punch, in puppet show in London, seized by dog 
Location London 
4-11 Jan 1739:22 (993)
London, Sept. 30. . . On Tuesday a merry scene happened at a
puppet shew in Southwark-Fair, as follows; a Punch stalking
before the spectators in a Spanish habit, gave such disgust
to an English dog unmuzzl'd, belonging to one of the
company, that he leaped upon the stage, seized poor
Punchenello, and tore him in a terrible manner, in defiance
of the Devil, at that time in conference with him and his
conservators also, which were sadly put to their trumps to
save him, and bring matters to an accommodation.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1739.01.11 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1739 
Bibliography B0001199
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