Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1734.12.17

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Italy, found by French after battle 
Location Italy 
12-17 Dec 1734:12 (781)
[In letter from the King of France to the Archbishop of
Paris, reporting on the victory at the battle of Guastalla:] 
They abandon'd part of their cannon, and we took several
kettle drums, and standards.  A success so great is only to
be attributed to God; and being desirous to render the
thanksgiving due to him, I sent you this letter, to acquaint
you that me will is, that you cause Te Deum to be sung, &c.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1734.12.17 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0000988
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