Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1732.11.30

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Index Entry Fifers, in Turin, seized by court from Holy See 
Location Turin 
23-30 Nov 1732:22 (674)
Geneva, August 8.  They write from Turin, that the court
[has] seized five fifers of the Holy See in Piedmont and
that the affairs between the two courts are more embroiled
than ever, upon the account of Signor Sardini.  They add,
that a certain Great Man, blinded by the presents of the
publick of Genoa, has forsaken the interests of the
Corsicans, whose interests are clipping within the rim, in
the persons of their Ch[  ].  [Text loss in tight binding]

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1732.11.30 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1732 
Bibliography B0000880
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