Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1729.03.04

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Index Entry Kettle drum, in Hanover, taken from disbanded troops of late Duke of York 
Location Hanover 
25 Feb-4 Mar 1729:31 (478)
Hanover, November 5.  Yesterday the horse guards of the late
Duke of York, Bishop of Osnabrug, were drawn up at Diepena,
and there disbanded, by order from the King of Great
Britain: They kept their horses and accoutrements; nothing
being taken from them but their arms, standard, kettle-drum
and trumpets. Their pay goes on till the first of January
next. The officers are to be employ'd in our troops as
vacancies shall happen.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1729.03.04 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1729 
Bibliography B0000684
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