Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1725.11.04

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Index Entry General, name of trumpet in Russia, spoil of war in victory at Paz Sachan 
Location Petersburg 
28 Oct-4 Nov 1725:12 (307)
Petersburg, Aug. 14.  On the 7th instant, in the evening,
the Czarina came to town, with her whole court, from
Petershof. On the 8th, she assisted, in the Church of the
Holy Trinity, at a mass celebrated upon account of the
expiration of the 6 months of deep mourning for the death of
the late Czar.  We have learnt these farther particulars of
the victory obtained by our forces in Persia.
  The Vizier, turned enemy, formerly governour of the city
of Riaschten and of the province of Ghilan, had posted
himself with 10, 000 men along the river of Pax Sachan, and
created a fortress there with design to harass our troops
quarter'd in that province; but he was entirely defeated,
and his men dispersed by Lieutenant-General Matouschkin,
Commander in Chief of our forces on that side, who took the
following booty from the enemy, viz.
  6 pieces of iron cannon;
  24 double arquebusses;
  A great number of fire-arms;
  6 kettle drums;
  A trumpet call'd the General;
  279 stone bullets, cover'd with lead;
  830 iron bullets;
  7 brass bullets: and
  Some hundreds of horses and mules.
On the 12th, the Czarina and her whole family assisted at
the Te Deum sung in the church of the Holy Trinity, by way
of thanksgiving for the said victory; and our artillery was
discharged upon that occasion the same day, the court went
into second mourning for the late Czar.

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1725.11.04 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1725 
Bibliography B0000513
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