Citation - American Weekly Mercury: 1720.02.02

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Index Entry Music, in Paris, Chapel Royal and Notre Dame, for Abbess of Chelles 
Location Paris 
2 Feb 1720:21 (7)
Paris Oct. 15.  Madam de Orleans, the Duke Regent's youngest
daughter, who is made Abbess of Chelles, received the
Benediction last night, at which there was a very great
appearance of the nobility; the King was not there, but all
the court was allowed to go; the Kings musick of his Chapel
Royal, and the musick of Notre Dame, and the Church of the
Jesuites, were all there; after which there was a great
feast, where besides the table of the Princes of the Blood,
there were eight hundred covered dishes served up, furnish'd
with all possible delicacies: The Duke Regent give order,
that if more people came then was expected, they should
however all be entertained. 

Generic Title American Weekly Mercury 
Date 1720.02.02 
Publisher Bradford, Andrew 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1720 
Bibliography B0000213
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