Citation - Albany Gazette: 1772.07.27

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Index Entry Opera House, in Amsterdam, destroyed by fire 
Location Amsterdam 
27 Jul 1772:22 (23) 
[News via London] May 16. . .  On Monday evening last just
before the beginning of the Flemish opera at the Theatre in
Amsterdam, a small rope belonging to some of the machinary
took fire owing to a candle having been by accident placed
immediately under it, which communicated itself to the boxes
with such rapidity, that in a very few minutes the whole
house was in flames.  The smoke and confusion was so great,
that, though many escaped out of the house, a large number
amounting to near 300 persons we are sorry to inform the
public perished in the flames.  Among whom were many of the
first families in Holland. Husband and wife, mother and
daughter, were burnt together. . . [5 more lines]

Generic Title Albany Gazette 
Date 1772.07.27 
Publisher Robertson, Alexander and James 
City, State Albany, NY 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0000015
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