Bibliography - Goulding&D'Almaine,1827

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Title Goulding&D'Almaine,1827 
Title Goulding & D'Almaine's twenty-four country dances for the year 1827. : With proper figures & directi 
Pages 12 
Publisher Goulding & D'Almaine 
Location Uk. a.9.jj.(5.) 
Date 1827 
Place London 
Title Page Date
Buy a Broom  1827 
Death Fetch,The  1827 
I am Twining  1827 
Draw the Sword Scotland  1827 
Blame me not my Gentle Laddie  1827 
Oracle,The  1827 
I'll watch for Thee  1827 
Poor Relations  1827 
Command me not to leave you  1827 
Sun is o'er the mountain,The  1827 
Are you angry Mother  1827 
Lying made easy  1827 
O! Merry row the Bonnie Bark  1827 
Aladdin  1827 
Hither, Love Hither  1827 
My ain fire side  1827 
Blue Bonnets are over the Border  1827 
St. David's Day  1827 
Medea  10  1827 
Crosswood  10  1827 
Maria,The  11  1827 
I loe na' a Laddie but Ane  11  1827 
Oberon  12  1827 
In Happier Hours  12  1827 
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