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Ma Belle Coquette (bt)  Humming Bird, 1798  34-35 
Ma Belle Coquette (t)  Humming Bird, 1798  34-35 
Ma belle coquette, ah! why disdain (fl)  Humming Bird, 1798  34-35 
Ma bien Aimee (bt)  Medley, 1795  97 
Ma bien Aimee (bt)  Vocal Muse, 1792  97 
Ma bien Aimee, why is that face (fl)  Medley, 1795  97 
Ma bien Aimee, why is that face (fl)  Vocal Muse, 1792  97 
Ma chere ami (r)  Syren-1, 1797  II:13 
Ma chere ami (r)  Syren-2, 1797  II:13   
Ma Chere Ami (t)  Syren-1, 1797  II:13 
Ma Chere Ami (t)  Syren-2, 1797  II:13   
Ma chere ami! let not despair (fl)  Syren-1, 1797  II:13 
Ma chere ami! let not despair (fl)  Syren-2, 1797  II:13   
Ma chere Amie, &c. (bt)  Charmer, 1790  110 
Ma Chere Amie, &c. (bt)  Columbian, 1797  76 
Ma chere Amie, &c. (bt)  Columbian-1, 1795  30-31 
Ma chere amie, &c. (bt)  Little Charmer, 1797  107-108 
Ma chere amie, &c. (bt)  Medley, 1795  21-22 
Ma chere Amie, &c. (bt)  Syren-2, 1797  II:11 
Ma chere amie, &c. (bt)  Vocal Muse, 1792  21-22 
Ma chere Amie (it)  Vocal Remembrancer, 1790  29 
Ma chere amie (r)  Syren-1, 1797  II:11 
Ma Chere Amie (t)  Charmer, 1790  110 
Ma Chere Amie (t)  Columbian, 1797  76 
Ma Chere Amie (t)  Columbian-1, 1795  30-31 
Ma Chere Amie (t)  Little Charmer, 1797  107-108 
Ma Chere Amie (t)  Syren, 1793  114 
Ma Chere Amie (t)  Syren, 1800  31-32 
Ma Chere Amie (t)  Syren-1, 1797  II:11 
Ma Chere Amie (t)  Syren-2, 1797  II:11 
Ma chere amie, my charming fair (fl)  Charmer, 1790  110 
Ma chere amie, my charming fair (fl)  Columbian, 1797  76 
Ma chere amie, my charming fair (fl)  Columbian-1, 1795  30-31 
Ma chere amie, my charming fair (fl)  Medley, 1795  21-22 
Ma chere amie, my charming fair (fl)  Syren, 1793  114 
Ma chere amie, my charming fair (fl)  Syren, 1800  31-32 
Ma chere amie, my charming fair (fl)  Syren-2, 1797  II:11 
Ma chere amie, my charming fair (fl)  Vocal Muse, 1792  21-22 
Ma chere amie, my charming lass (fl)  Little Charmer, 1797  107-108 
Ma chere amie, my darling fair (fl)  Syren-1, 1797  II:11 
Ma cherie amie, &c. (bt)  Social Harmony, 1795  66-67 
Ma Cherie Amie (t)  Social Harmony, 1795  66-67 
Ma cherie amie, my charming fair (fl)  Social Harmony, 1795  66-67 
Macedon youth, The (fl)  Mock Bird, 1760  178 
Machereamie, &c. (bt)  Echo, 1800  73 
Machereamie, my charming fair (fl)  Echo, 1800  73 
Mad Bess (t)  Mock Bird, 1760  236-237 
Madam, you know my trade is war (fl)  American, 1799  80-81 
Madam, you know my trade is war (fl)  American, 1800  80-81 
Madam, you know my trade is war (fl)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  10 
Madame Veto avait promis (fl)  Chansonnier, 1795  123-125  12 
Madame Veto avait promis (fl)  Democratic, 1793  34-36  13 
Made for more than one (bt)  Apollo, 1791  26-27 
Made for one (bt)  Apollo-1, 1793  20-21 
Made for one (bt)  Apollo-2, 1793  20-21 
Made me for to go and leave my dear behind (bt)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  154-155 
Made me for to go and leave my dear behind (r)  Democratic, 1793  19-21 
Made me for to go and leave my dear behind (r)  Echo, 1800  80-82 
Made me for to go and leave my dear behind (r)  Humming Bird, 1798  18-19 
Made me for to go and leave my dear behind (r)  Patriotic, 1800  99-100 
Madelon (t)  Columbian, 1798  148 
Madelon (t)  Jovial-2, 1798  37-38 
Madrigal (t)  Enchanting, 1788  34 
Maggy Lauder (it)  American, 1799  40-42 
Maggy Lauder (it)  American, 1799  43-45 
Maggy Lauder (it)  American, 1800  40-42 
Maggy Lauder (it)  American, 1800  43-45 
Maggy Lauder (it)  Patriotic, 1800  148-149 
Maggy Lauder (it)  Patriotic, 1800  151-152 
Maggy Lauder (it)  Songs Comic, 1777  16-18 
Maggy Lawder (it)  American Songster, 1788  6-9  22 
Maggy Lawder (it)  Columbian, 1797  78-81  22 
Maggy Lawder (it)  Enchanting, 1788  49-52  22 
Maggy Lawder (it)  Paddy's Resource, 1796  14-15 
Magotty Pye (t)  Tommy Thumb, 1788  46 
Magotty Pye (t)  Tommy Thumb, 1794  46 
Maid I Love, A (t)  Humming Bird, 1798  39 
Maid I love who loves not me, A (fl)  Humming Bird, 1798  39 
Maid, I'm doom'd gainst my will to die an Old Maid (r)  Mock Bird, 1764  99 
Maid in Bedlam, The (t)  Syren-1, 1797  II:30 
Maid in Bedlam, The (t)  Syren-2, 1797  II:30 
Maid of Boston (r)  Humming Bird, 1798  26-27 
Maid of Boston, The (t)  Humming Bird, 1798  26-27 
Maid of Boston Vale (bt)  Columbian, 1799  II:9 
Maid of Martindale, The (t)  Amorous, 1800  48-49 
Maid of Martindale, The (t)  Buck's PC, 1798  50-51 
Maid of Martindale, The (t)  Enchanting, 1788 
Maid of the green, pretty Sally, The (r)  American Ladies PB, 1799  131 
Maid of the Green, Pretty Sally, The (t)  American Ladies PB, 1799  131 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  American Songster, 1788  76 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  American, 1799  222 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  American, 1800  222 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  Columbian, 1797  36 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  Columbian, 1798  139-140 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  Festival, 1800  56 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  Humming Bird, 1798  173-174 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  Sky Lark, 1795  17-18 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  Syren, 1800  24-25 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  Syren-1, 1797  I:38 
Maid of the Mill, The (t)  Syren-2, 1797  I:38 
Maid that Tends Goats, The (t)  Little Charmer, 1797  58-59 
Maid that Tends the Goats, The (t)  Syren, 1793  50-51 
Maid to my mind (bt)  Vocal, 1796  153-154 
Maidens Case, The (t)  Mock Bird, 1764  149-150 
Maiden's Choice, The (t)  Mock Bird, 1760  125 
Maiden's Choice, The (t)  New Academy, 1795  120-121   
Maidens, let your lovers, &c. (bt)  American Songster, 1788  109 
Maidens, let your lovers, &c. (bt)  Charmer, 1790  85-86 
Maidens, let your lovers languish (fl)  American Songster, 1788  109 
Maidens, let your lovers languish (fl)  Charmer, 1790  85-86 
Maid's Love to Damon, The (t)  Mock Bird, 1760  117-118 
Maid's Love to her Dear Willy, The (t)  Mock Bird, 1760  8-9 
Maid's Resolution not to be Coy, The (t)  Mock Bird, 1760  37-38 
Mais gare a se tete!. . . (r)  Chansonnier, 1795  52-53 
Majestic! (t)  New Ahiman, 1791  232-233 
Major Andre (t)  American MM, 1798  198-199 
Major Andre (t)  Columbian-1, 1795  20-21 
Major Andre, to Miss Polly G. London (t)  Jovial, 1800  10-11 
Major Andre's Farewell (t)  Spicer's PC-1, 1800  19-21   
Major Andre's Soliloquy (t)  Humming Bird, 1798  120 
Major Andre's Soliloquy (t)  Patriotic, 1800  136 
Major Andre's Soliloquy (t)  Whim, 1798  12   
Major Domo am I (fl)  American, 1799  209-210 
Major Domo am I (fl)  American, 1800  209-210 
Make haste, and away mine only dear (fl)  Mock Bird, 1764  133-134 
Make Much of Today (t)  Humming Bird, 1798  60-61 
Make my butter come (r)  Patriotic, 1800  [185] 
Make puns and quibbles, that they may make bulls (r)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  168-169 
Make room all ye kingdoms, in hist'ry renowned (fl)  Republican, 1800  36-37 
Make room, O ye kingdoms in history redown'd (fl)  Echo, 1800  83-84 
Malbrook (it)  Tom Paine, 1796  62-63 
Malbrouk (it)  Republican, 1800  43   
Malbrouk (it)  Tribute, 1795  39-41 
Mall, A Song for the (t)  Mock Bird, 1764  53-54 
Mama has often mention'd love (fl)  Medley, 1795  127 
Mama has often mention'd love (fl)  Vocal Muse, 1792  127 
Man, he is like to--but stay--, A (fl)  Echo, 1798  25-26 
Man, he is like to--but stay--, A (fl)  Echo, 1800  17-18 
Man, he is like to--but stay--, A (fl)  Patriotic, 1800  55-57 
Man is Free by Nature (t)  Paddy's Resource, 1796  22 
Man is Free by Nature (t)  Paddy, 1798  31-32 
Man is like to--but stay--, A (fl)  Amorous, 1800  19-21   
Man of pure and constant mind, The (fl)  Republican, 1800  96-98 
Man takes woman as his bane (fl)  Baltimore, 1799  16-17 
Man that is Bless'd in a Wife, The (t)  Little Charmer, 1797  65-66 
Man that's Contented, The (it)  Mock Bird, 1764  70 
Man That's Contented, The (t)  Mock Bird, 1764  70 
Man that's made for me, The (bt)  Mock Bird, 1760  152 
Man, The (t)  Songs Comic, 1777  195-196 
Man who does for freedom roar, The (fl)  Vocal Remembrancer, 1790  172 
Man, who for life, is plagu'd with a wife, The (fl)  Little Charmer, 1797  66 
Man who in his breast contains, The (fl)  American Songster, 1788  143-144 
Man who in his breast contains, The (fl)  Vocal Remembrancer, 1790  104 
Man who is drunk is void of all care, The (it)  Songs Comic, 1777  133-134 
Man who is Plaug'd with a Wife, The [sic] (t)  Little Charmer, 1797  66 
Man whose life is on the seas, The (fl)  Columbian, 1798  104-105 
Man whose life is on the seas, The (fl)  Festival, 1800  26 
Man Will Romance, The (t)  Mock Bird, 1764  165-166 
Manage Well the Swelling Sails (t)  Federal, 1800  95-96 
Mankind a'l get drunk, ay and womankind too (fl)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  160-161 
Mankind to hunt, &c. (bt)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  158-159 
Man's all contradiction, a medley machine (fl)  Songs Comic, 1777  176-178  12 
Man's Seven Ages (t)  Amorous, 1800  59-62 
Mansion of Peace, The (t)  Democratic, 1793  22 
Mansion of Peace, The (t)  Nautical, 1798  21-22 
Marbles (t)  Little Pretty PB, 1787  27   
March on, march on (r)  Nightingale of Liberty, 1797  17-18 
March on, march on (r)  Paddy's Resource, 1796  25-26 
March on, march on, all hearts resolv'd (r)  Republican, 1800  42-43 
March on! march on! To victory or death (r)  Sky Lark, 1797  133-134 
March out by moonlight cheerily (r)  Festival, 1800  44-45 
Marche des Marseillois. Attempted in English (t)  Columbian, 1797  192-194 
Margareta Dorothy and Crop (t)  Sky Lark, 1795  158-159 
Margaret's Ghost (t)  Mock Bird, 1760  68-70  17 
Margery Daw (t)  Tommy Thumb, 1788  24 
Margery Daw (t)  Tommy Thumb, 1794  24 
Maria (bt)  Mock Bird, 1764 
Maria (t)  Collection, 1800  25-26 
Maria (t)  Songs Comic, 1777  151-153 
Maria (t)  Syren, 1800  27 
Maria (t)  Syren-1, 1797  II:3-II:4 
Maria (t)  Syren-2, 1797  II:3 
Maria. A Favourite Ballad (t)  Charmer, 1790  91-92 
Maria of the Dale (bt)  Humming Bird, 1798  52 
Marine Medley, The (t)  Songs Comic, 1777  20-24  11 
Mark Anthony gave up the world for a girl (fl)  Songs Comic, 1777  140-142  10 
Mark Masters all appear (fl)  Freemason's Monitor, 1797  96-98 
Mark yon wretch submissive bending (fl)  Songs Naval, 1779  96 
Market Lass, The (t)  Columbian, 1798  134-135 
Market Theatre, Boston (tw)  Columbian, 1799  II:5-II:6 
Marlborough's Ghost (t)  American MM, 1798  46-49 
Marquis of Granby, The (t)  Songs Comic, 1777  188-189 
Marquis of Granby, The (t)  Songs Naval, 1779  36-38 
Marquis of Granby, The (t)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.46-I.48 
Marquis of Granby's March, The (it)  Songs Naval, 1779  73-75 
Marry, weep no more for me (r)  Sky Lark, 1797  177-178 
Marsailais, Des (it)  Chansonnier, 1795  76-77 
Marseillais, de (it)  Chansonnier, 1795  51-52 
Marseilles Hymn (t)  Jovial-2, 1798  52-54 
Marseilles Hymn (t)  Nightingale, 1797 
Marseilles Hymn, The (t)  Paddy's Resource, 1796  25-26 
Marseilles Hymn, The (t)  Theatrical, 1797  16-18 
Marseilles Hymn, The (t)  Winter Evening, 1795  3-4 
Marseilles March (it)  Columbian, 1797  108-109 
Marseilles March, The (t)  Nightingale of Liberty, 1797  17-18 
Marseilles March, the (t)  Republican, 1800  42-43 
Marseilles March, The (t)  Tom Paine, 1796  68-70 
Marseilles March, The (t)  Tribute, 1795  61-62 
Marseillois Hymn (t)  Democratic, 1793  25-28 
Martial host, and tented pain, The (fl)  Songs Naval, 1779  86 
Martial Hunt, The (t)  Songs Loyal, 1779  34-35 
Martial pomp, the mournful train, The (fl)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  217-218 
Martialis Epigramma. Lib vi. Ep. 34, Imitated (t)  Patriotic, 1800  172-173 
Mary of the Dale (bt)  Charmer, 1790  93-94 
Mary of the mead (bt)  Vocal Remembrancer, 1790  155-156 
Mary, weep no more for me (bt)  Dibdin, 1797  16-17 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  American MM, 1798  195-198 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  American, 1799  220-221 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  American, 1800  220-221 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  Amorous, 1800  95-96 
Mary, Weep no more for me (r)  Columbian, 1797  149-150 
Mary weep no more for me (r)  Columbian, 1798  119-120 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  Columbian-1, 1795  29 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  Enchanting, 1788  40-41 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  Medley, 1795  95-96 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  Mermaid, 1798  42-43 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  Social Harmony, 1795  32-33 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  Vocal Muse, 1792  95-96 
Mary, weep no more for me (r)  Vocal, 1796  36-37 
Marybone (tw)  Wood Lark, 1765  II.114 
Marybone (tw)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.121-I.122 
Marybone-Gardens (tw)  Mock Bird, 1760  194-195 
Mary's Dream (t)  American MM, 1798  195-198 
Mary's Dream (t)  American, 1799  220-221 
Mary's Dream (t)  American, 1800  220-221 
Mary's Dream (t)  Amorous, 1800  95-96 
Mary's Dream (t)  Columbian, 1797  149-150 
Mary's Dream (t)  Columbian-1, 1795  29 
Mary's Dream (t)  Dibdin, 1797  16-17 
Mary's Dream (t)  Enchanting, 1788  40-41 
Mary's Dream (t)  Medley, 1795  95-96 
Mary's Dream (t)  Mermaid, 1798  42-43 
Mary's Dream (t)  Social Harmony, 1795  32-33 
Mary's Dream (t)  Syren, 1793  91-92 
Mary's Dream (t)  Vocal Muse, 1792  95-96 
Mary's True (t)  Columbian, 1798  64-65 
Mary's True (t)  Humming Bird, 1798  4-5 
Mask of Alfred (tw)  Mermaid, 1798  50-51 
Mask of Alfred (tw)  Mock Bird, 1764  125 
Mask of Alfred (tw)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.97-I.98 
Mask of Alfred. Song in (t)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.97-I.98 
Mask of Alfred, Sung in (t)  Mock Bird, 1764  125 
Mask of Alfred, The (tw)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.93-I.94 
Mask of Alfred, The (tw)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.154-I.155 
Mask of Alfred, The. Song in (t)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.93-I.94 
Mask of Alfred, The. Song in (t)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.154-I.155 
Masks all (it)  Songs Comic, 1777  42-43 
Masks All (it)  Songs Comic, 1777  81-82 
Masks all (it)  Songs Comic, 1777  186-187 
Mason one time. A (fl)  Candid, 1772  253-254 
Mason, one time, A (fl)  Freemason's, 1779  14-15 
Mason one time, A (fl)  Masons, 1779  14-15 
Mason Portrayed, The (t)  Nightingale of Liberty, 1797  50-51 
Masonic (t)  Spicer's PC-2, 1800  22-23 
Masonic Glee (t)  Nightingale of Liberty, 1797  60 
Masonic Hymn (t)  Young Mason, 1791  44-45 
Masonic Hymn, A (t)  Constitutions, 1798  274-275   
Masonic Hymn, A (t)  Spicer's PC-2, 1800  16-17 
Masonic Hymn, C. M. (t)  Accepted, 1800  83 
Masonic Parody (t)  New Ahiman, 1791  233 
Masonic Preludes, Prologues and epilogues (t)  Apollo, 1791  153-168   
Masonic Song (t)  Federal, 1800  35-36 
Masonic Song (t)  Maryland Ahiman, 1797  236-237 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  283-284 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  284-285 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  285-286 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  286-287 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  287-288 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  288-289 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  289-290 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  290-291 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  291-292 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  292-293 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  293-295 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  295 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  296-297 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  297-299 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  299 
Masonic Song (t)  Sky Lark, 1797  299-300 
Masonic Song, A (t)  Maryland Ahiman, 1797  234-235 
Masonry (bt)  Maryland Ahiman, 1797  264-265  10 
Masonry (t)  Nightingale of Liberty, 1797  40-41 
Masonry, Friendship, and Brotherly Love (r)  Echo, 1798  222-224 
Masons Adieu (t)  Lark, 1798  7-9 
Mason's Adieu, The (t)  Spicer's PC-1, 1800  21-24   
Mason's Daughter (it)  Spicer's PC-2, 1800  15-16 
Mason's Daughter (t)  Spicer's PC-2, 1800  15 
Mason's daughter fair and strong, A (fl)  Echo, 1798  207-208 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Ahiman,1783  135-136 
Mason's daughter, fair and young, A (fl)  Candid, 1772  245-246 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Columbian, 1799  VII:6-VII:7 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Constitutions, 1792  270-271 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Free Mansonry, 1797  236 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Freemason's, 1779  11 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Humming Bird, 1798  256-257 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Masonic, 1797  91-92 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Masons, 1779  11 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Sky Lark, 1797  292-293 
Mason's daughter, fair and young, A (fl)  Spicer's PC-2, 1800  15 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Spirit, 1800  App. 18-19 
Mason's daughter fair and young, A (fl)  Young Mason, 1791  27-28 
Mason's daughter faire and young, A (fl)  Echo, 1800  196-197 
Mason's Daughter, The (t)  Masons, 1779  11 
Mason's Farewell, The (t)  Masonic, 1797  51-53 
Mason's Felicity (t)  Spicer's PC-1, 1800  37-38   
Mason's Glory, for St. John's Day, The (t)  Nightingale of Liberty, 1797  43-44 
Mason's Life, The (t)  Nightingale of Liberty, 1797  41-43 
Mason's life's the life for me, A (fl)  Columbian, 1799  VII:12-VII:14  14 
Mason's life's the life for me, A (fl)  Free Mansonry, 1797  209-210 
Mason's life's the life for me, A (fl)  Free Mason's PC, 1798  62-63 
Mason's life's the life for me, A (fl)  Nightingale of Liberty, 1797  41-43 
Masons' Toast, The (t)  Freemason's PC, 1794  86 
Mason's Wish, The (t)  Young Mason, 1791  41 
Masquerade, The (t)  Songs Comic, 1777  186-187 
Massachusetts Charitable Society, (at)  Federal, 1800  15-17 
Master grinders, &c. (bt)  Charmer, 1790  136 
Master-grinders, &c. (bt)  Columbian, 1798  215 
Master grinders, &c. (bt)  Echo, 1800  9-10 
Master I have, and I am his man, A (fl)  Columbian, 1797  61-62 
Master I have, and I am his man, A (fl)  Syren-1, 1797  IV:11-IV:12 
Master I have, and I am his man, A (fl)  Syren-2, 1797  IV:11 
Master I have, and I am his mate, A (fl)  American Songster, 1788  131-132 
Master Mason's Farewell, A (t)  Choice Collection, 1795  3-4 
Master Nong Tong Paw (t)  Federal, 1800  64-66 
Master's Song (t)  Free Mason's PC, 1798  6-8 
Master's Song (t)  Freemason's Monitor, 1797  273-274 
Master's Song, The (t)  Candid, 1772  228-230 
Master's Song, The (t)  Free Mansonry, 1797  213-215 
Master's Song, The (t)  Freemason's, 1779  3-5 
Master's Song, The (t)  Jachin, 1794  54 
Master's Song, The (t)  Jachin, 1797  67 
Master's Song, The (t)  Jachin, 1798  54 
Master's Song, The (t)  Jachin-1, 1796  51 
Master's Song, The (t)  Jachin-2, 1796  51 
Master's Song, The (t)  Masonic, 1797  43-45 
Master's Song, The (t)  Masons, 1779  3-5 
Master's Song, The. Part I (t)  Constitutions, 1734  83 
Master's Song, The. Part II (t)  Constitutions, 1734  84 
Master's Song, The. Part III (t)  Constitutions, 1734  85 
Master's Song, The. Part IV (t)  Constitutions, 1734  86 
Master's Song, The. Part IV (t)  Constitutions, 1734  87 
Match Boy, The (t)  American Ladies PB, 1799  134 
Match-Boy, The (t)  Social Companion, 1799  48-49 
Match Girl, The (t)  Dibdin, 1797  53-54 
Mathew Lyon, of Vermont, you know (fl)  Republican, 1800  77-80 
Matrimonial Deafness (t)  Wood Lark, 1765  II.137-II.138 
May (t)  Songs Comic, 1777  105-106 
May be game for some hunter tomorrow (r)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  283-284 
May day of life is for pleasure, The (fl)  Columbian, 1799  VI:36 
May day of life is for pleasure, The (fl)  Sky Lark, 1797  176-177 
May-Eve (t)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.182-I.183 
May I live, &c. (bt)  Syren-1, 1797  I:17 
May I never be married (bt)  Charmer, 1790  103-104 
May I never be married (r)  Festival, 1800  67-68 
May I never be married! (r)  Medley, 1795  143   
May I never be married! (r)  Vocal Muse, 1792  143   
May I Never be Married (t)  Columbian, 1798  107 
May I Never Be Married (t)  Festival, 1800  67-68 
May is the Mother of Love (bt)  Mock Bird, 1764  102-103 
May is the Mother of Love (bt)  Vocal Remembrancer, 1790  141 
May is the mother of love (r)  Charms, 1788  74 
May is the mother of love (r)  Vocal, 1796  170 
May Lady, The (t)  Mock Bird, 1760  264-265 
May the Mother of Love (t)  Mock Bird, 1764  102-103 
May the shame, &c. (bt)  Little Charmer, 1797  106-107 
May the shame fa' the gear and the blathrie o't (r)  Little Charmer, 1797  106-107 
May this new lodge for ever stand (r)  Free Mansonry, 1797  237-238 
May thy kind Providence (fl)  Mock Bird, 1760  26-27 
May's Dream (t)  Columbian, 1798  119-120 
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