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Bu sailors are boon for all weather [sic] (r)  Little Charmer, 1797  71-72 
Bu say not 'tis love, for I answer, no, no (r)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.69-I.70 
Bud of the Rose, The (t)  Dibdin, 1797  51-52 
Bud of the Rose, The (t)  Enchanting, 1788  18-19 
Bud of the Rose, The (t)  Nautical, 1798  15-16 
Build castles in the air (bt)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  221-222 
Bull who had been an Irishman, A (t)  American, 1799  90-91 
Bull who had been an Irishman, A (t)  American, 1800  90-91 
Bull who had been an Irishman, A (t)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  42-43 
Bullfinch, The (t)  Poetical, 1788  63-65 
Bumper, &c., A (bt)  Vocal, 1796  151 
Bumper, A, &c. (bt)  Charms, 1788  55 
Bumper of good liqour, A (fl)  New Academy, 1799  133-134 
Bumper of good liquor, A (fl)  Charms, 1788  55 
Bumper of good liquor, A (fl)  Vocal, 1796  151 
Bumper 'Squire Jones (it)  Mock Bird, 1760  57-59 
Bumpers, 'Squire Jones (t)  Mock Bird, 1760  192-194 
Bunker Hill (tw)  American MM, 1798  133-134 
Bunker's Hill (it)  Columbian, 1797  113-114 
Burke's Address to the "Swinish Multitude" (t)  Tom Paine, 1796  41-43  12 
Burke's Address to The "Swinish Multitude" (t)  Tribute, 1795  13-16  12 
Burke's Address to the Swinish Multitude (t)  Columbian, 1797  211-213  12 
Burke's Lamentaion for the Lost Age of Chivalry. Plaintive (t)  Tom Paine, 1796  52-53  14 
Burke's Lamentation for the Lost Age of Chivalry-Plaintive (t)  Tribute, 1795  25-28  14 
Bustle and stir in my shop (r)  Buck's PC, 1798  10 
Bustle, bustle, bastle, brave boys (r)  Vocal Remembrancer, 1790  176-177 
Bustle, bustle, bustle, brave boys (r)  Apollo-2, 1793  135-136* 
Busy crew their sails unbending, The (fl)  Columbian, 1797  48 
Busy crew their sails unbending, The (fl)  Syren, 1800 
Busy crew their sails unbending, The (fl)  Syren-1, 1797  V:7-V:8 
Busy crew their sails unbending, The (fl)  Syren-2, 1797  V:7-V:8 
Busy, curious thirst fly (fl)  American Songster, 1788  47 
Busy, curious, thirsty fly (fl)  Apollo, 1791  116 
Busy, curious, thirsty fly (fl)  Apollo-2, 1793  116* 
Busy, curious, thirsty fly (fl)  Charmer, 1790  30 
Busy, curious, thirsty fly (fl)  Enchanting, 1788  54 
Busy, curious, thirsty fly (fl)  Sky Lark, 1797  37 
Busy, curious, thirsty fly (fl)  Wood Lark, 1765  II.169 
Busy, curious thristy fly (fl)  Sky Lark, 1795  53-54 
But are you sure the news is true? (fl)  Amorous, 1800  38-41 
But are you sure the news is true? (fl)  Apollo-1, 1793  73-74 
But are you sure the news is true? (fl)  Apollo-2, 1793  73-74 
But Damon there I seek in vain (r)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.115-I.116 
But for this trade or that, &c. (bt)  American, 1799  232 
But grieinv a folly, &c. (bt)  Sky Lark, 1795  44-46 
But grieving's a folly, &c. (bt)  American MM, 1798  137-139 
But grieving's a folly, &c. (bt)  Columbian, 1798  181-182 
But grieving's a folly, &c. (bt)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  165-166 
But grieving's a folly, &c. (bt)  Dibdin, 1797  24-25 
But grieving's a folly, &c. (bt)  Echo, 1800  135-137 
But grieving's a folly, &c. (bt)  Sky Lark, 1797  31-32 
But grieving's a folly (r)  Festival, 1800  30-31 
But grieving's a folly, come let us be jolly (r)  Jovial-2, 1798  48-49 
But hang me if I marry (bt)  Mock Bird, 1760  92-93 
But hang me if I marry (bt)  Mock Bird, 1764  194-195 
But hang me if I marry (r)  Wood Lark, 1765  II.106 
But I have two strings to my bow (r)  American Songster, 1788  105-106 
But if sailors were born for all weathers (r)  Mermaid, 1798  72-73 
But let us behold them e'en just as they are (r)  Sky Lark, 1797  84-85 
But mother, &c. (bt)  American Songster, 1788  53-54 
But mother, &c. (bt)  Nightingale, 1800  64-65 
But mother oft tells me, she'll have me a nun (r)  American Songster, 1788  53-54 
But mother oft tells me, she'll have me be nun (r)  Nightingale, 1800  64-65 
But my Mother oft tells me she'll have me a Nun (r)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.27-I.28 
But, no more, &c. (bt)  Social Harmony, 1795  91-92 
But, no more, &c. (bt)  Tom Paine, 1796  59 
But, no more, &c. (bt)  Tribute, 1795  35-36 
But, no more with blind submission (r)  Social Harmony, 1795  91-92 
But, no more with blind submission (r)  Tom Paine, 1796  59 
But no more with blind submission (r)  Tribute, 1795  35-36 
But none for praise, &c. (bt)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  59-60 
But none for praise can more contend (r)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  59-60 
But now the time, alas! was come (fl)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.33 
But oh, &c. (bt)  American, 1799  50-52 
But oh, &c. (bt)  American, 1800  50-52 
But, Oh! &c. (bt)  Humming Bird, 1798  99 
But oh, &c. (bt)  Patriotic, 1800  157-158 
But, oh, for a union of parties (bt)  Paddy's Resource, 1796  31-32 
But oh, for a union of parties (r)  American, 1799  50-52 
But oh, for a union of parties (r)  American, 1800  50-52 
But oh, for a union of parties (r)  Patriotic, 1800  157-158 
But, oh, if death hath snatch'd his breath (r)  Humming Bird, 1798  99 
But Orra, &c. (bt)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  37 
But Orra in him heart (r)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  37 
But, perhaps, while thus boldly exposing each elf (fl)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  151 
But sailors, &c. (bt)  Amorous, 1800  7-8 
But sailors, &c. (bt)  Buck's PC, 1798  28-29 
But sailors, &c. (bt)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  95-96 
But sailors, &c. (bt)  Dibdin, 1797  23-24 
But sailors, &c. (bt)  Echo, 1800  159-161 
But sailors, &c. (bt)  Little Charmer, 1797  71-72 
But sailors, &c. (bt)  Syren, 1800  13-14 
But sailors, &c. (bt)  Vocal, 1796  45-46 
But sailors are born, &c. (bt)  Nautical, 1798  31-32 
But sailors are born for all weathers (r)  Echo, 1800  159-161 
But sailors are born for all weathers (r)  Syren, 1800  13-14 
But sailors are born for all weathers (r)  Vocal, 1796  45-46 
But sailors were born for all weathers (r)  Amorous, 1800  7-8 
But sailors were born for all weathers (r)  Buck's PC, 1798  28-29 
But sailors were born for all weathers (r)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  95-96 
But say, &c. (bt)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.69-I.70 
But should the sun, the sun illume the sky (r)  Tribute, 1795  79-81 
But the tar to please me (r)  Syren, 1793  23 
But the tar to please me, more jolly mustbe (r)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  143-144 
But three months yet I've been a wife (fl)  Columbian, 1798  180-181 
But, united, their rights and freedom defend (r)  Columbian, 1799  II:14-II:17 
But, united, their rights and freedom defend (r)  Federal, 1800  8-10 
But, united, their rights and freedom defend (r)  Patriotic, 1800  22-24 
But, what's all this to me? (bt)  Songs Comic, 1777  122-124 
But when, &c. (bt)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  182-183 
But when he came to Cherburgh gate (fl)  Songs Naval, 1779  126 
But when the sprightly fife and drum (r)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  182-183 
But wherever, &c. (bt)  Federal, 1800  68 
But wherever our rout shall be (r)  Federal, 1800  68 
But whistles and drives my team (r)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  172-173 
But who can tell, &c. (bt)  Echo, 1798  177 
But who can tell if thou my dear (r)  Echo, 1798  177 
But with heart, &c. (bt)  Jovial-2, 1798  51-52 
But your, &c. (bt)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.79 
But your beer-drinking Britons can never be beat (r)  Wood Lark, 1765  I.79 
Buxom Nan (bt)  American, 1799  109-110 
Buxom Nan (bt)  American, 1800  109-110 
Buxom Nan (t)  Columbian, 1798  196-197 
Buxom Nan (t)  Mermaid, 1798  21 
Buxom Nan (t)  Social Harmony, 1795  8-9 
Buxom Nan (t)  Syren, 1793  15-16 
Buy my marches (bt)  Baltimore, 1799  25-26 
Buy my matches (bt)  American Ladies PB, 1799  134 
Buy my matches (bt)  Jovial-2, 1798  24-25 
Buy My Matches (t)  Jovial-2, 1798  24-25 
Buy my matches, I have matches for all (fl)  Jovial-2, 1798  24-25 
Buy my matches ye maids, &c. (fl)  Jovial Songster, 1794  24   
Buy my matches, ye maids, I have matches for all (fl)  Baltimore, 1799  25-26 
Buy my straw, and I'll give you a song (r)  Dibdin Collection, 1799  243-244 
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